Home “Off The Cuff” with Quoth The Raven (Chris Irons)
Off the Cuff

“Off The Cuff” with Quoth The Raven (Chris Irons)

When shall the US government return to sanity? “Nevermore!” our guest Chris Irons might say. Without necessary guardrails and consequences the failed leadership of DC and the Fed have taken us down a paths that had a binary outcome; bad and worse.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson June 7, 2024
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When shall the US government return to sanity? “Nevermore!” our guest Chris Irons might say. Without necessary guardrails and consequences the failed leadership of DC and the Fed have taken us down a paths that had a binary outcome; bad and worse.

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If you haven’t been reading and/or listening to Chris Irons, the force behind the Quoth The Raven (QTR) Fringe Finance blog (link to QTR) you really should add it to your retinue.

He’s tuned in, irreverent, and observant.

Today we discuss Covid, vaccines, policies, and (naturally) monetary policy along with the fiscal train wreck that is bearing down on the US government.  They all tie together.

It’s a good long one…so settle in.

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Looking for part 2?

When shall the US government return to sanity? “Nevermore!” our guest Chris Irons might say. Without necessary guardrails and consequences the failed leadership of DC and the Fed have taken us down a paths that had a binary outcome; bad and worse.

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