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I’ve only been a subscriber for several months but I wish I’d have joined ages ago. I found Chris early on during Covid and his info kept help me several months ahead of the curve.
Image | Dr. Propaganda Dr. Propaganda Peak Insider
I am admittedly, a cheapskate. One thing the 2020-2022 mania taught me is that free news outlets are a trap. In a world of increasing numbers of self-promoting “gurus”, I appreciate that while Chris works very hard to be accurate, he also works hard at deflating the ego that could bring.
Image | John Goodwin John Goodwin Key Supporter
Dr Martenson, you are right to state that the information in this video is of utmost importance and may be disturbing. I sobbed at certain points while watching. But I prefer to be aware of the reality of our situation than not and i am grateful to you for your role in educating my partner and myself.
Image | Danina Danina Peak Insider


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