This is a continuation of Part 1 – Omicron Fears Mount For the Data Hesitant – click here to go to Part 1 first.
As Professor Mattias Desmet shared with us, Mass Formation events share four common elements. (1) A loss of social bonds, (2) a loss of meaning-making or sensemaking, (3) free floating anxiety and (4) anger or fear.
Omicron, it can now be said, has been a transparent excuse for politicians, the media and many fear-addicted individuals to double down on their nonsense. Omicron, according to the South Africa data, is really on a par with a common cold, or maybe the flu. With early treatment it might be even less than that.
The problem with the Mass Formation (Psychosis) crowd is that they hold he strings of the narrative. Otherwise, we could probably just let them work out their issues over to the side and be ready to welcome them back into the fold whenever they manage to come around. However, by holding the reins of power, they are almost certain to ruin the economy which will harm vastly more people than Covid could ever manage.
I want you to be ready for what’s coming. Suffering under its own false-narrative capture the US Federal Reserve is blindly continuing on a path to financial ruin. I mean, it’s true, they’ve been doing this for many years but Covid really gave them the excuse they needed to put the whole effort into overdrive.