Pharma is back on the attack, this time the target is RFK Jr, and they think that doctors are still a good attack vector. This is weird because doctors have lost more trust, more suddenly, than any profession ever.
And for good reason. The majority of them proved to be mere cogs in a machine that had zero inhibitions about putting people with highly survivable Covid on ventilators, giving them Remdesivir, withholding antibiotics (for pneumonia!), and absolutely blocking the use of the actually safe and actually effective ivermectin in their patients. These actions killed patients who might have otherwise survived. And, let’s not forget that they forced Grandma to die all alone.
At no point did the medical staff of any of these institutional Covid killing fields organize to resist this deadly medical tyranny and instead used their abundant free time to troll us all with dance videos. I am unaware of any efforts by the medical staff of hospitals to protest the practice of killing people with treatment routines that were known (by good doctors) to be defective within the first few weeks of Covid’s domestic arrival, nor did they collectively advocate for patient’s rights to receive astonishingly safe and potentially lifesaving off-patent, repurposed drugs.
During Covid, far too many medical professionals opted for interventions that were the most expensive vs. those that were the best for the patient’s health.
In other words, medical “professionals” conducted themselves as if they were front-line pharmaceutical shock troops whose top priority was advancing the financial interests of the sickcare system. It’s a real mystery as to why such an intelligent group of people would choose to engage in things that would bring irreparable reputational damage both to themselves and to their entire profession. For money we suppose, but we can’t entirely rule out that some of them would have done it anyway for free.
Given doctors’ reputation-wrecking actions during Covid, the smart thing for them to do would have been to root out the worst of their own stripping them of their medical licenses, and then begin the long process of regaining our trust.
Instead, we find ourselves confronted with this headline, presumably the first in a salvo of truly insulting PR efforts to take down RFK Jr.
Within the hour that astonishing number of “doctors” (in quotes for reasons I will soon make clear) was upped:
Oooh! 17,000 doctors! That’s very hard to ignore. And they sound angry too. Let’s find out why.
The letter these alleged doctors allegedly signed was penned by someone at the liberal PAC called The Committee To Protect Health Care whose main aims appear to be always supporting Big Medicine, Big Government, and anything that can keep the funding gravy train rolling along. For them.
I was unable to locate a single advocacy issue – such as exploring preventable iatrogenic (‘doctor-caused’) deaths or tackling the food-based metabolic disaster we’re suffering through– that this PAC had gone after. It’s 100% pure politics, always tilted against Conservatives, and toward bigger government control of and spending toward what they call “health care.”
Here’s the “form” they used to gather these alleged 17,000 doctors’ signatures:
First, it’s anonymous, and they say they won’t release the names. Which is too bad because we’d love to have that list so we could circulate it as a starting point for figuring out which doctors you’d never want to use. Any doctor who is for the things this PAC advocates is almost certainly not a doctor who is interested in helping you achieve actual health. They’re the sort that would prefer to spend the pre-alloted 5-7 minutes with you before prescribing your next tranche of on-patent medicines. End of story.
Second, I filled out their form with completely bogus information and – surprise! – it was accepted and I quickly received a very nice confirmation email thanking “Hugh Jackoff, MD” for his support.
Which means the CBS, NBC, ABC and other “journalistic” pretenders shouldn’t have said, “More than 17,000 doctors signed a letter…”
If they cared one whit about their own tattered professional reputations they should have written this as,
“Allegedly 17,000 anonymous and unverified doctors signed a letter penned by a known liberal PAC. We were not granted access to those signatures and could not confirm their veracity before we ran with this ‘story.’”
That’s at least minimally accurate and true.
But wait, it gets worse. The letter is chock-full of easily discovered, very sloppy junior researcher-level errors. The sort that legitimate and/or competent MDs should have been able to spot in a skinny minute. Heck, I’m not an MD, and I was able to spot them instantly.
The first was the assertion about polio vaccines (in the green highlight, at the bottom):
The 20,000,000 claim is preposterous on its face and should have been immediately detected by someone with a passing familiarity with diseases.
It’s three orders of magnitude off.
Once the US stopped spraying itself gleefully with crude organophosphate pesticides as a spin-off of their discovery during the nerve gas development efforts of WW II, paralyzing polio was striking a few hundred people per year. Forrest Maready covers this brilliantly in his book The Moth In The Iron Lung.
With ~ 15,000 baseline cases of polio in the US, getting to 20,000,000 would take about 1,300 years. The vaccine has been around since 1958.
Second, when we click through the link they helpfully provided that they thought backed up their claim, we are taken to a CDC page where there’s some guessing that world-wide there may have been 20,000,000 paralysis preventions.
Don’t get me wrong, polio eradication is a worthy goal, but as with all of the dreaded diseases of the past, proper sanitation, not poisoning ourselves, and better nutrition deserve equal billing as the co-stars of the show.
And, by the way, RFK Jr has NEVER said he wished to get rid of any vaccines including the polio vaccine…instead he has clearly and repeatedly said that we should study vaccine components such as preservatives and adjuvants in proper, scientifically-based, long-term placebo-controlled trials. You know, like any proper doctor would support.
But this “doctor-signed” letter asserted that “the polio vaccine has prevented 20,000,000 cases of paralysis in American children.”
This is a ridiculously sloppy and unnecessary error to make. Whoever wrote this letter was in over their medical heads, but so too were the people who will certainly come to regret signing it without vetting it or even reading it carefully.
The entire letter is full of whoppers, so it’s hard to pick just two, but here’s a second one to examine:
“Similarly, the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has been shown to completely prevent cervical cancer–an achievement once thought impossible.”
Nothing works that well, and everybody who’s been even marginally associated with practicing health care knows that. Right off the top of their head. It should have raised immediate alarms in any potential signer who actually read the words.
This one is easy. Too easy. Here’s the data:
Does that look ‘completely prevented’ to you? Me neither. Instead, it looks like cervical cancer deaths were already trending lower and then the vaccine was introduced midstream after which cervical cancer deaths remained on exactly the same trajectory as before. No change in trend is visible.
Perhaps none of these women were vaccinated with Gardasil and that’s why their amazing results don’t dent the chart’s trajectory?
Even on that narrower basis, I could find zero studies to support the ‘completely prevents cervical cancer’ assertion. They simply don’t exist, anywhere. So where does one come up with such a ridiculous assertion? I’m guessing late-night talk shows, or possibly The View.
There is one preliminary release of the findings of a study that announced a study purporting to show a 30% decline in cervical cancer in post-vaccinated women will be presented at a future conference. But since they did not reveal the methods used and because it has not yet been reviewed by anyone, its findings should be held lightly.
But, even if the vaccine (Gardasil) does reduce cervical cancer deaths by 30% (which isn’t the same at all as ‘completely’ we’ll note) would that be a good thing?
Not according to the Gardasil trial data, which tells us that 58 young women will die from being injected with Gardasil vs. every 1 that will be saved:
The trial (above) showed that ~4 additional young women will die for every 0.07 saved yielding a death-to-saved-life ratio of 58:1. The FDA decided “close enough!” and approved the treatment.
But to somehow convert that into the assertion that “the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has been shown to completely prevent cervical cancer–an achievement once thought impossible” reveals a level of carelessness that should be totally unacceptable in the medical profession, if not immediately disqualifying. After all, how can one provide informed consent if one is so brazenly wrong on the most basic of medical facts?
Or at least it should be unacceptable. Yet we find it’s 100% supported by the people at The Committee To Protect Health Care and, sadly, far too many doctors.
Suggestion: The Committee To Protect Health Care should change their organization’s name to The Committee To Protect Health Carelessness.
I’m offended by people who abuse their positions of authority and are careless and sloppy. So, it’s time to name names and show faces. I believe that the people behind this deserve every single shred of contempt we can muster.
Here’s the board who signed their names prominently to the letter that defamed RFK Jr.
These people are the true enemies of medicine and science. If any of them happen by chance to be your doctor, go get a new one. Immediately.
Unlike the obviously bogus “17,000 doctors’” who we will have to assume are mostly fake entries made by internal staffers and activated outside partisans until proven otherwise, I believe the above people to be real.
I’ll type out their names, so they show up on future Google searches. Mona Mangat, Ean Bett, Farhan Bhatti, Kaly Cyrus, Gaby Goldstein, Martha Grant, and Mark Schauer.
How they ever agreed to sign such an error-filled ‘letter’ is something they get to ponder for the rest of their lives. But the damage is done. All that’s left is to pathetically slink away and hope people forget all about the sloppy, error-riddled letter.
Alternatively, they could reflect on the error of their ways, retract the letter, apologize properly, and make amends to all the good medical professionals and everybody else they sullied with their sloppy dross. Until they do that, we are free to place them in a box with the “51 intelligence officials” who signed a similarly flawed letter asserting that Hunter Biden’s all-too-real laptop wasn’t real.
As veterans of the “it’s horse paste y’all” pharma campaigns, we can all more easily spot these fake, astroturf operations. That there are people willing to trash their personal reputations for a few bucks is an enduring mystery of humanity that we can trace all the way back to 30 pieces of silver. It was a moral abomination then, and it remains one today.
In conclusion, I 100% support RFK Jr as health secretary, and here’s my reasoning.
He can’t possibly do any worse than this:
The US pays the most and dies the earliest out of every developed nation on the planet. And it’s not even close!
The cretins pushing back against RFK Jr are really saying, “Look, we like things the way they are. We don’t have to actually read or think carefully, Pharma, the FDA, and CDC do all our thinking for us, and in return, we have an endless stream of sick patients and income. Bobby represents an actual threat to our income, and that makes us very angry. You can tell because of the emotionally hyperbolic language we used in the letter.”
That’s a lot closer to the truth, isn’t it?
As for me, I am sick and tired of seeing so many Americans sick and tired. My message to the morally compromised “doctors” allegedly signing the letter we’re discussing, and there are certainly more than a few real ones in there, is you had your chance.
You blew it. You lost our trust. So why not just take a seat over there while truly competent and compassionate adults get to work fixing the disaster you’ve created?
RFK Jr. and the many highly competent people he will bring on board represent the first real chance in my entire adult lifetime where science can have a seat at the table. Money and power had the only seats at the table for the past 5 decades which has delivered the abysmal results laid bare in the above chart.
Enough is enough.
Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke, Pathology & Toxicology)