Home The Key to Success is a Normal and Healthy Adjustment Reaction
Emotional Resilience

The Key to Success is a Normal and Healthy Adjustment Reaction

Episode 86 Part 2

The User's Profile Chris Martenson November 29, 2022
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This is a “framing episode” which shares one of the most powerful tools I have that allows me to see the world clearly and take decisive and effective actions. Taking their words at face value, “they” (the WEF or Global Leaders) are dead serious about taking us all on a very dangerous trip together. One…

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This is a “framing episode” which shares one of the most powerful tools I have that allows me to see the world clearly and take decisive and effective actions.

Taking their words at face value, “they” (the WEF or Global Leaders) are dead serious about taking us all on a very dangerous trip together. One that will predictably end up very badly for the vast majority of people.

The key to avoiding taking that trip along with everyone else lies in your emotional adjustment reaction. It’s not how much stuff you buy, or how good of a gardener you are, or which investments you choose. It’s how quickly you can orient to the new conditions and risks that actually exist at that time.

Yes, you need a tribe, and deep pantries and deeper social connections, but first and above all you need to have your own adjustment reaction. As the enormity of it all accumulates and compounds, this gets harder and harder to do all at once. So, the invitation is to not hold it off at all, but rather to encourage it and flow with it as much as possible. This episode will guide you through this thinking using real-world examples and events.

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Looking for part 1?

This is a “framing episode” which shares one of the most powerful tools I have that allows me to see the world clearly and take decisive and effective actions. Taking their words at face value, “they” (the WEF or Global Leaders) are dead serious about taking us all on a very dangerous trip together. One…

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Top Comment

Getting people to acknowledge what’s happening is beyond my paygrade, but I’ve often thought it has to come with discomfort.
This reminds me of an interaction...
Anonymous Author by westcoastjan
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