Home The Deeply Troubling FTX Facts and ‘Coincidences’

The Deeply Troubling FTX Facts and ‘Coincidences’

The FTX scandal reveals profound corruption that could both span the globe and reach right to the top of U.S. politics. The facts as we know them (the first week of the FTX collapse) are deeply troubling.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson November 15, 2022
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The FTX scandal reveals profound corruption that could both span the globe and reach right to the top of U.S. politics. The facts as we know them (the first week of the FTX collapse) are deeply troubling.

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The FTX scandal reveals profound corruption that could both span the globe and reach right to the top of U.S. politics. The facts as we know them (the first week of the FTX collapse) are deeply troubling.

A gaggle of youths, pretending at being adults, and operating without oversight, secured billions in funding and customer deposits which they then gave generously to the U.S. Democratic Party, and dodgy clinical trials that – surprise! – showed cheap, off-patent medicines don’t work against Covid-19.

Yes, Virginia, it’s really that bad.

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The FTX scandal reveals profound corruption that could both span the globe and reach right to the top of U.S. politics. The facts as we know them (the first week of the FTX collapse) are deeply troubling.

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