Home So it’s Back to First Principles

So it’s Back to First Principles

What were all the security personnel doing that day all around the AGR beside somehow entirely missing the presence of Crooks who a host of civilians spotted and were yelling about? There’s something quite fishy in this part of the story. It’s time to take a step back and apply first principles…

The User's Profile Chris Martenson July 30, 2024
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There’s so much to the story about Trump’s shooting that simply doesn’t make sense that it’s time to step back and look at it all again.

I have concerns that I am chasing false angles and leads.  I worry when things seem ‘too easy’ because if I were trying to lead an investigation astray I’d put a challenging but solvable trail of breadcrumbs leading off in the wrong direction.

When I step back, what occurs to me is how much ‘dead space’ still remains in the narrative.  Why haven’t there been any FBI briefings since July 14th?  Where are close-up pics of the gun and the exact brand of ammo used?  How come nobody is asking any questions at all of the special agent in charge (SAIC) Tim Burke?    How was it possible that there were snipers on at least three other roofs that day, but the infamous building 6 was either too slopey or too hot that day?

So perhaps all of the audio evidence leading to the prospect of there being two shooters is all wrong and once it gains traction the FBI will suddenly decide to release AGR security cam footage proving Crooks was the only shooter?

In other words, there’s a chance I’ve been played, and now we have to spend a bit of time looking in the places and directions they have been especially quiet about.  Because that’s where the weakest part of the story lies for them.

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