Home Recap: Honey Badger Farms Live Event 2021

Recap: Honey Badger Farms Live Event 2021

The User's Profile Chris Martenson October 19, 2021
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This past weekend 100 people signed up to come to a Peak Prosperity gathering hosted by Chris & Evie at Honey Badger Farms in Chester MA.

It was a smashing success and we all had a great time. Friends were met and made, experiences shared, and food offered in abundance.

We began around a roaring fire on Friday night.  The demographics were quite varied; children, young adults, boomers, and an equal mix of men and women.

Evie got help putting beds to rest for the winter.

Our two pigs were slaughtered and everyone got the most intimate of farm to table experiences:

Evie cried at their deaths, and then lovingly and carefully cleaned their carcasses.  It was all very real, as it used to be, and still is if we’re actually involved and honest about it.


The brand new smoker that Evie got me for my recent birthday was finally assembled and put to use.  It was an inaugural success and the pork came out beautifully smoked.

The vibe?  From my perspective, it was gratifying to have such wonderful people enjoying each other under a warm but typically finicky New England weekend that was as varied as the conversations.

I didn’t hear any small talk at all and saw people having real connections and feeling a warm relief at being around others who see the world similarly.  Evie and I were especially keen simply to get people here.  First, so they could be around each other.  Second, so they could experience this immensely beautiful place we’ve settled upon and hope to draw others towards to share and experience and possibly live.

The only complaint I would lodge is that the time was far too brief.  All of this was, in part, a beta test for the main gathering we will hold here next year.  That one will be larger and a bit longer I suspect.

I’m hoping other attendees will grace the comments below with their own reflections from their time here.