Home Off the Cuff: That Sinking Feeling…
Off the Cuff

Off the Cuff: That Sinking Feeling…

The User's Profile Adam Taggart April 10, 2015
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In this week's Off the Cuff podcast, Chris and John Rubino discuss:

  • The Police State
    • Too much evidence to ignore
  • How Low Can Interest Rates Go?
    • Looking for the limits to NIRP
  • That Sinking Feeling….
    • Why the next economic bust is going to be just horrible
  • Oil
    • What the heck is going on in that market?

Ugh. So much to cover in a single podcast, yet so little of it is positive…

In this week's Off The Cuff, Chris and John start by tackling the mounting evidence of the police state we live in. One where it's increasingly clear our protectors have an "us-vs-them" mentality over those they are sworn to serve. One in which the powerful are exempt from many of the same laws that are rigidly and rabidly applied to the 99%.

The surrealism only expands as they then segue into the Economic realm. Several countries have now issued 10-year bods with negative interest rates. Think about that: investors are intentionally paying for the privilege of losing money over the next ten years! It gives you a sense of how far down the rabbit hole the global system now is, where tactics like this are cheered and deemed 'rational'.

Its part of why Chris and John are so concerned that when the next downturn strikes, it's going to be horrendous.

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April 11, 2015

Rickards: "Don’t Tell Me I Didn't Warn You..."


Dear Daily Reckoning Reader,
If you haven't seen my most recent warning yet...
And if you are at all concerned...
Anonymous Author by kugscheese
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