Home Mounting Desperation: It’s CYA Time for COVID officials and MSM “journalists”

Mounting Desperation: It’s CYA Time for COVID officials and MSM “journalists”

What should we make of the recent flood of prior Covid officials and “journalists” suddenly grasping the nuances of vaccines and using the best available treatments for treating vaccine injuries? Well, that Common Knowledge is on the way, for one.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson May 10, 2024
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What should we make of the recent flood of prior Covid officials and “journalists” suddenly grasping the nuances of vaccines and using the best available treatments for treating vaccine injuries? Well, that Common Knowledge is on the way, for one.

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As if a light switch were flicked, there’s an obvious change in the Covid narrative.  The NYTimes ‘investigated’ vaccine injuries for more than a year, before putting out a mealy assembly of trickled-truths.  Suddenly we’re hearing about how Ivermectin is helping to treat Chris Cuomo’s vaccine injury.

And now his brother Andrew Cuomo is attempting to rewrite history by claiming there never were any mandates in his state because everything was voluntary.

Which means that anything that happened to anybody was their own fault because they participated voluntarily.

Naturally, all of these are unacceptable attempts to cover their asses by rewriting history and none of us should allow them to get away with it.

We should also expect many more attempts from many other DC swamp creatures and journalist-stenographers as time goes on.

Why?  Because the winds have shifted.  They now know that their anti-scientific, antilogical and anti-humane stances are politically and professionally untenable.  Because they are all, to every man and woman, narcissists, they will change their positions to map into whatever works personally for them best.

Were people harmed by their actions?  That’s irrelevant.

But make no mistake, we’re winning and the dam has sprung a leak.  Common knowledge is on the way!

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What should we make of the recent flood of prior Covid officials and “journalists” suddenly grasping the nuances of vaccines and using the best available treatments for treating vaccine injuries? Well, that Common Knowledge is on the way, for one.

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