You need to be ready for what’s coming later this year, next and probably for many years stretching into the future.
We’re now past “peak prosperity,” and things are getting harder from here on out in terms of ease and comfort. On the positive side, life may well be far more meaningful and sensible.
Or maybe not. It all depends on whether and how vigorously we resist the people in charge who seem intent on breaking the west.
To make this all quite tangible consider the evidence, that it is possible if not probable, that the outbreak of deadly hepatitis in children being experienced in the U.S., UK and Ireland springs from the J&J and/or Astra-Zeneca vaccines.
Yet, the CDC has said nothing – not one word – about the sequence of the adenovirus responsible for these outbreaks, which speaks volumes in and of itself. What I mean is, they would certainly have released the genetic data if it absolved the vaccines, so we are left to assume it does not.
Finally, in an interview with Paul Marik, CMO of the FLCCC, we discuss all this and the fact that there’s hope for vaccine-injured people, who certainly number in the millions by now.