With Trump impending, the Blob has to be … nervous, shall we say … about all the coverups they have been running for decades. JFK, RFK, all the false flags, the wars, regime changes, “vaccines”, “lab leak” bioweapons (Lyme, ebola, covid, and the vaccine-manufacturing-oopsie later called HIV), and of course – alien tech. All of these are “conspiracy theories”; if word were to leak out about the energy-related one, the impact could be YUGE. Are the “gravitic drone” assets being programmed to assassinate Trump – which will then be blamed on China, or Iran? I could think of dumber plans. “Iran killed Trump with a drone!” After all, their patsy-assassins haven’t worked out so well. Perhaps too much vaxxing and boosting has happened inside The Blob, and most of them have had a 20-point IQ drop. Or maybe more. I’m guessing most of them drank the Kool-Aid.
So what about that breakdown in EUR/USD? The WEFers (and their flunkies – Macron, Starmer, Scholz) are super-unpopular, and the prospects of war with Russia are increasing by the day. Banning the opposition party (like in Germany) or Lawfaring opponents (like in France), jailing people for wrong-tweets and/or protecting rape-gangs (like in the UK) because “racism” – that’s a confession of confidence collapse. You don’t do that if you are Winning the War. I suspect that Big Money has figured this out, and is moving to hide in the US, where Trump is about to replace Senile Joe/Cackles (Zients/Blinken/Granholm). If Senile Joe (or Cackles/Joy) had remained Figurehead in Chief, money wouldn’t have fled – since there would have been no point.
But it’s not just Europe. Using currency flows as a confidence tracker – the RMB is hovering on the edge of a 16-year breakout to new “highs” – which are lows if you own the RMB. The news of local governments imprisoning (and effectively ransoming) wealthy locals to raise funds provides us an economic-collapse temporal marker – summing up the intense local-government desperation caused by that $30 trillion (USD) household wealth decline across the country, and the follow-on plunge in property sales which are used by local governments as a primary funding source. Ransoming executives makes Merchan look like a champion of law & order. Do you think China is a safe place to conduct business right now? My guess is no. But heck, neither is New York.
Tinfoil Hat Today
“These are Brain sensors that are starting to be embedded in everyday devices” [Jan 1, 1m] (source – BGatesIsaPyscho);
How the grooming gangs scandal was covered up [Jan 4] (source – yahoo); “In the same town, a senior police officer allegedly said the abuse had been “going on” for 30 years, adding “with it being Asians, we can’t afford for this to be coming out.”
My guess: the “Asian grooming gangs” procured children for the political class, and that’s why they are untouchable – even though “racism” is the ostensible reason.
“TIME TO WAKE UP!”: ‘Cybertruck Bomber’ Had Several Manifestos, Warned Of Drones Using ‘Gravatic Propulsion’ [Jan 4] (source – zerohedge);
+ A: Gravitic propulsion? Inconceivable!
+ B: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
NATIONAL SECURITY ALERT: Cybertruck Bombing Patsy Matthew Livelsberger Warned That The Deep State Was Planning To Target Trump With “Drones” Hours Before He Reportedly Died In The Bomb Blast In Las Vegas [Jan 3, 30m] (source – realalexjones);
MELEE (source – cambridge.org); 1) a large noisy uncontrolled crowd in which people are moving in different directions and sometimes fighting with each other. 2) a situation that is confused and not under control, esp. a fight involving a number of people.