Home How to Save Money on Resilience

How to Save Money on Resilience

The User's Profile Stewart September 2, 2022
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September 1 marks the beginning of National Preparedness Month, the time when the U.S. government tells you to get yourself ready for catastrophes.

Bottom line, the government freely admits it will be slow to help your family when tragedy strikes. (At this point, I could be snarky and talk about the time FEMA got lost on the way to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, but let’s stay focused.)

At a minimum, you need to expect that it’ll be days after a major event before anyone from the government comes to help, so our federal bureaucrats wisely advise us all to make a plan and prepare.

And, as if right on cue, forecasters now are watching three new storm systems in the Atlantic, including Tropical Storm Danielle, all as a typhoon churns in the Pacific.

Of course, while real weather threats will continually impact our world (and the damage is more expensive each year, see below), Peak readers also know there’s more happening in the financial markets, energy sector and in our environment that are likely leading somewhere very, very bad. So, it’s definitely time to take some action.

So, use this month to steel yourself and hone your plans for the inevitable. As the Weather Channel’s Creek Stewart loves to say, “It’s not if, but when.”

Remember, every small step in your preparedness planning makes you more resilient. Just put one foot in front of the other.

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Additional Preparedness Month Ideas
I’ve saved a lot of money over the years by figuring out how to not pay retail. For example:
Buy dried beans, peas,...
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