Home Fraudulent Pfizer Data Sent to Regulators

Fraudulent Pfizer Data Sent to Regulators

Episode 92 Part 2

Did Pfizer commit fraud by submitting faked Quality Assurance data? It sure looks that way.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson January 10, 2023
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Did Pfizer commit fraud by submitting faked Quality Assurance data? It sure looks that way.

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The PREP Act absolves companies from all liabilities and harms caused to individuals as long as they are following government guidelines and rules – provided they haven’t committed “willful misconduct.”

Does submitting falsified safety and Q/A testing data to the TGA (the Australian equivalent of the FDA) and EMA (the European equivalent) qualify as “willful misconduct?” I say it does and I provide the data herein.

Because these are quite serious allegations, I am doing so behind the paywall in the hopes that our community can parse through it and help make it strong enough to provide to the public and any official investigations that may arise.

I’m not terribly hopeful on that front because the supposed regulatory bodies are in on the scam. They have (1) absolved the companies of liability and then (2) helped the companies commit the crimes, so (3) I am not holding my breath.

In this episode, I show how the FDA had serious safety signals noted on its website in July of 2021, but didn’t notify anyone and only released a preprint of that same data 16 months later in November of 2022. Yes, it’s that bad.

Finally, the Australian data continues to come in horribly for the vaccinated. The three- and four-jab folks now comprise 66% of all people hospitalized with Covid, 62% of all people in the ICU with Covid, and 75% of all the people who died with Covid (during the final two weeks of 2022). 

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Did Pfizer commit fraud by submitting faked Quality Assurance data? It sure looks that way.

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A Midwestern Doctor Nails It!
The truly excellent A Midwestern Doctor substack, absolutely crushes this topic of the difficulty of manufacturing these mRNA products at scale...
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