Home Discussing the Trump Assassination Attempt with Ken’s Inner Circle

Discussing the Trump Assassination Attempt with Ken’s Inner Circle

This s a recording of an off-the-cuff talk I gave in Dallas at the limitless conference about the Trump assassination attempt to a live audience.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson September 2, 2024
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Nick and I were at Ken McElroy’s Limitless conference in Dallas this past weekend.

Their inner circle (aka ‘The Collective”) got me for the first morning to discuss the Trump Assassination Attempt.

This is that talk.  For now, I’m planning to keep it behind the paywall because of privacy considerations.

What I need to add to what you might see is the Q&A that happened afterward, which didn’t get recorded.  The sense among the assembled people was that we’re up against a very dark force, and quite a few were already at the ‘good vs. evil’ stage of thinking.

Quite a number of people came up to me during the conference to extend heartfelt thanks for the Trump reporting.  More than a few worried for my safety.

Perhaps that’s a reasonable concern, but at this stage of life, I am more concerned about my spiritual destruction than my physical demise.  The Trump investigation fits into that frame for me.  Either we are willing to stand up for the truth, or we are not.  Every time I consent to one of ‘their’ minor usurpations of my sovereignty they are winning. 

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Wait, what? Chris, did I understand you to say that the DOJ/FBI handed Trump a list of three acceptable VP candidates from which to choose?

Anonymous Author by cmartenson
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