After a quick tour of Monkeypox and the chance it came from a lab (nothing definitive, just a few yellow flags to examine), we discuss the devastating inflation now rampaging across Europe
The European Central Bank, as led by Christine Lagarde, is perfectly happy to throw more EU citizens under the bus as they continue to pursue their execrable policy of creating more and more inflation. The story they tell themselves is that their efforts are why the economy has not cratered. In truth, their efforts have merely transferred purchasing power (wealth) from the common citizen to the already wealthy elites and governments.
Meanwhile massive and global food shortages are quite obviously on the way. The only thing surprising and new about the information to me is how few people seem to be taking it seriously.
Finally, the authoritarians, who never let a good crisis go to waste, are busy marshaling their foot soldiers and minor politicians to go after people’s guns. This is a very bad sign and should not be allowed to happen, of course.
It makes no difference to the authoritarians that they are simultaneously sending deadly weapons to kill people in other countries while they are wailing about the threats to their own people’s safety. Being morally inconsistent never seems to bother them in the slightest.
Please, please, please(!) – dial-up your preparations as if you only had a year or two left to get everything in order.