Home Crash Course 2: Chapter 6 — Demographics & Infrastructure
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Crash Course 2: Chapter 6 — Demographics & Infrastructure

Chapter 6 Part 1

The User's Profile Chris Martenson June 16, 2023
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This is the last chapter in the Economic “E” of Crash Course 2.0. Not a very sexy title, I know, but together demographics and a profound failure to maintain and/or invest in the future puts the US way behind the eight ball. Both of these factors are going to be extraordinarily expensive over the coming…

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This is the last chapter in the Economic “E” of Crash Course 2.0.

Not a very sexy title, I know, but together demographics and a profound failure to maintain and/or invest in the future puts the US way behind the eight ball.

Both of these factors are going to be extraordinarily expensive over the coming years.  Demographics because the US has already lost the ‘right’ pyramid shape of its population to support the Boomer retirees.  Social security is completely wiped out by 2033 (but in reality already has zero money in it).

Infrastructure because it will require trillions and trillions of dollars to simply get it back up to acceptable standards.

Add these to the other expenses and a runaway final deficit and debt situation and all on its own, we can declare that the US monetary, financial and economic systems are unsustainable.

When they break down finally I cannot say.  For many living in tents and campers the breakdown has lardy arrived.  So I suppose “breakdown” means whatever you think it means.  As a starting point, is it when 50% or more of the country cannot sustain itself economically?  Is it when the money system completely breaks down as is happening in Venezuela and Argentina right now?

Regardless, that’s the path the US is on.  So is Japan and most of Europe.

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Crash Course 2.0
Chapter 6 Part 1

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This is the last chapter in the Economic “E” of Crash Course 2.0. Not a very sexy title, I know, but together demographics and a profound failure to maintain and/or invest in the future puts the US way behind the eight ball. Both of these factors are going to be extraordinarily expensive over the coming…

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