Home Because “They” Have Done “A,” We Can Anticipate “B”

Because “They” Have Done “A,” We Can Anticipate “B”

We’re awfully close to the ‘cornered wild animal’ stage. They committed mass crimes, and they absolutely refuse to be held even slightly accountable. So, what’s next do you suppose?

The User's Profile Chris Martenson May 17, 2024
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What term, what word would you use to describe someone who kills babies? What if that person were a corporation and the deaths of babies was something they considered unavoidable because doing so would require actually making a safe product which would have cost them more time and money?

These are not hypothetical questions. They arise from a Wyeth memo from 1979 which details how executives were distressed by a cluster of infant deaths in Tennessee that their DtP ‘vaccine’ had cause and so they ‘fixed’ the problem by agreeing to break up their lots to spread out and hide the damage.

Oh, haha! you say. That was 1979, that can’t happen now.

Well, it happened in all the countries where we’ve gotten a peek at the Pfizer mRNA agreement documents. Pfizer forbade the countries from ‘serializing’ the covid vials which would have allowed bad lots to be detected and tracked.


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God bless you. My 35 year old son lives with us, well, we built a barndominum for him on our 10 acres. He cannot drive,...
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