Home What This All Means

What This All Means

Everything is on the line, and time to lean in and make a difference is right now.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson July 22, 2024
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This past week has been frightening, exhausting and exciting.  Evie is getting drained by the dread of feeling like things are spiraling out of control.  I am too, to be honest.

But it’s also the time to lean in and do everything we can to try and tilt the story to a brighter future.

Make no mistake, “they” are on a full rampage, busily dismantling what little remains of our supposed “democracy.”   There was a full palace coup AND an attempted assassination of a former and most likely future president.

We came very close to a timeline that would have seen our likely choices for president whittled down to Kamala vs Haley (shudder, on both counts!).

This meme captures the split pretty well.

The reason any of this is exciting for me is that it is only during times like these, when belief systems are really shaken and challenged, that we have the chance to reach people and change the narrative.

If we’re really successful, we get to pry open crimes of the past such as JFK, RFK MLK, and 9/11.

What’s at stake here is the very future of the country, with “their” team just as urgently trying to tip the country into ruins with their censorship, gender wars, and skin-deep social policies, and removing parental rights, especially around issues of developing sexuality.

They really are true believers!  But what they believe in has finally been revealed to be as dark as it is contemptible. 

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Look at this. I am some doofus, retired in Oklahoma who, because I found Chris during the housing crisis in ‘08, watched several times the...
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