Home Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

Given the paucity of people on the West side of Crooks’ shooting position, how did all the LEOs on that side manage to miss him? And why do we not yet have any body cams from LEOs on that side? Tune in to find out more…

The User's Profile Chris Martenson August 19, 2024
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One mystery that investigators will have to resolve is answering the question, “How did all those law enforcement assets lose track of Crooks between his picture being taken at 5:14 and the first shot being taken at 6:11:33?”

It’s an important question that needs to be answered.

A related question concerns the fact that one of the plain-clothed officers just happened to be dressed nearly identically to Crooks with a grey t-shirt, white knee-length shorts, facial hair, and dark shoes.  Such ‘coincidences’ have to be laid to rest.

A further curiosity is that out of all the LEO bodycam footage that’s been released, 100% of it is from officers who were located on the east side of the AGR complex before the shooting began.  Obviously, those on the west side are much more important to understanding the flow of events that allowed young Mr. Crooks to get on the roof and into a shooting position.

Finally, we absolutely demand a complete accounting of the movements and positions of the two ESU snipers who were supposed to be in the overwatch building and should have been in their positions.  Their story is full of holes and demands to be explained.

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