Home This is How The World Works

This is How The World Works

Maybe it’s time to reevaluate our strategies? They have been playing to win while we have been playing not to lose. So, let’s reorient around the big picture and ask ourselves how we might play the game differently.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson August 7, 2024
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What if all the craziness we’re experiencing isn’t some recent emergent feature of the Covid nonsense, but rather the product of several decades of very careful maneuvering on the part of “elites?”

Well, part of my framework for understanding the world is that the people in power have a tendency to tell us what they are going to do before they do it.  Do really have a leg-up on the people around you all you have to do is two things (1) read what the elites write and (2) believe them the first time.

Right now we’re all embroiled in the many moving parts of the drama surrounding the forcing of Kamala Harris as the front-runner to go up against Trump.  Or perhaps the rioting in the UK over the preferential treatment of refugees over locals by UK politicians.  Or the assassination attempt of Trump by what appears to be a faction of the US government allowing a patsy to get close enough to take shots.

However, if we back up a bit, and look again at the big picture, each of these are elements of plans put in place long ago, by people who seem to be convinced that there are too many useless eaters on the planet.  They’ve very patiently ruined an entire set of generations of intellectuals, our healthcare system, foreign policy, money system, and any sense of national integrity that borders might provide.

The message is consistent; you don’t matter.

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Aloha from The Big Island (TBI). About me: born ‘71 child of Green Beret.
now: Ex-Wife of Google VP. Watched "do no evil’ dissolve.
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