Home The Unbelievable Security Gap that Allowed Crooks to Get Into Position

The Unbelievable Security Gap that Allowed Crooks to Get Into Position

Crooks’ unbelievable ‘luck’ in evading all the LEOs around the AGR buildings in his unlikely path to the roof is where this investigation needs to focus. The timeline stinks to high heaven. We are missing something here and we can all smell it.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson August 2, 2024
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Now the story of the near-fatal assassination attempt on Trump has matured to the point where we can basically account for all the shots, the movements of the prime suspect Crooks, and understand that the “security planning” for the event was so substandard that it’s difficult to accept rank incompetence as the explanation.

Now we’re down to the human element.

Why did the ESU abandon their posts at literally the exact moment when Crooks snuck onto roof?

Who gave which orders that day?

Exactly who in the Secret Service decided to not cover the AGR buildings and then not even attend that morning’s briefing with the locals?

These and many other questions are going to have to be answered by on-scene investigators.

All I know for sure is the Secret Service is doing horribly and Acting Director Rowe’s decision to leave the involved agents on the investigation is precisely the wrong move.  Obviously they are culpable of incompetence at best, legit malfeasance at worst.  Leaving them on the investigation to “help resolve it” would be like leaving your accountant on the team investigating suspected embezzling from the company.

It’s so mind-numbingly stupid that we can’t accept it as a legitimate answer.

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