Home The Tractor Revolt: European Farmers’ Firm Stand Against Blundering EU Bureaucracy

The Tractor Revolt: European Farmers’ Firm Stand Against Blundering EU Bureaucracy

The Western Media is strangely silent as European Farmers are telling their governments that they’ve had enough of being the scapegoat for climate change policies. The administrative class has pissed off the productive class. What now?

The User's Profile Chris Martenson March 4, 2024
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It’s been brewing for a long time.  We had the farmers in Holland rebelling as far back as 2019.  Then in 2022, the truckers in Canada protested the horrifyingly illegal and unjust Covid programs of Justin Trudeau’s patently socialist/communist party.  Years later a judge ruled the use of the “emergency powers act” to be unreasonable and unconstitutional.

And now we’ve got a continent-wide rebellion by farmers in Europe, although you might not even know that given that the media has really not been covering it.

Why not?  I suspect the usual reason; the story runs counter to the state-approved narrative of “government is good, always.”  They simply don’t want the ideas driving the truckers and farmers to spread.

And so ‘they’ ignore at first, but then violently oppose the movement as happened in Canada with the shockingly illegal and immoral freezing of people’s bank accounts for having donated to a legitimate and legal cause.  These folks do not play fair, that’s for sure.

The root of the problem is that the administrative class feasts on illegitimate money printed out of thin air by corrupt central banks and this has been going on for so long, it’s long since been completely normalized.  Now it is even idolized and revered.  A corrupt money system leads to every downstream activity eventually being corrupted.

This is the root of the problem

To cover their tracks, the central banks and their political and “regulatory” partners – along with first-layer leeches like hedge funds, CTAs, giant banks, and HFT firms – engage in the suppression of commodity prices. 

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Top Comment

Thanks for the farmer update, Chris. I’m really proud of the Canadian truckers too. A group of local famers tried the tractor “march”...
Anonymous Author by goat-lady
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