Home The Stewart Film Blows the Official Narrative Out of the Water

The Stewart Film Blows the Official Narrative Out of the Water

The official story is collapsing and the data is piling up! The “Stewart Film” is even more damning to the current official story than the Zapruder film was to the JFK fiction. Audio analysis re-confirms that the shots 1-3 are distinctly different sounding and quantitatively unlike shots 4-8. This best maps to the Two Shooters hypothesis.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson July 29, 2024
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A video shot by David J Stewart (@realDJStew724 on Twitter) completely blows the official narrative out of the water.  It is the Zapruder film of our time.

The official narrative is that:

  • Crooks was the only shooter and fired all 8 shots.
  • A municipal officer confronted Crooks but retreated when a rifle was pointed at them by Crooks.  Seconds later shots rang out.
  • Crooks was killed by a lone sniper bullet shot by Secret Service immediately after the shooting started and Crooks was spotted.

This film and its audio, connected to an analysis of the angles involved, conclusively show that Crooks would have been exposed to the Secret Service long before the shots rang out (OR Crooks wouldn’t have had time to get in position and settle down to take the most accurate shot which was the first one) and reconfirms our earlier audio analysis.

The audio from the Stewart video is strikingly clear.

Qualitatively, shots 1 through 3 sound completely different from shots 4 through 8 (and shot 9 remains entirely different from either of those two sets of shots).

Quantitatively, shots 1-3 are higher pitched and lacking in the pitched frequencies that are consistently found in shots 4-8.  While not 100% conclusive, this now tilts the hypothesis set away from Crooks being the lone shooter and puts the onus on those who would seek to prove that.  Instead, the weight now tilts to two shooters for shots 1-3 vs. 4-8.  But there are other options to consider first (two different types of ammo?  Gun firing position?) before we say this is a done deal.  ANY OTHER VIDEOS OUT THERE NEED TO BE BROUGHT TO THE MIX!

This audio analysis aligns with and supports the findings we have already presented from sources (labeled 2 and 4 in our analysis) located on the west side of AGR Building 6.  So now we have multiple recordings from different locations indicating a substantial audio difference and that needs to be explained, as do many other things.

The Secret Service now has even more explaining to do, especially how and why Sniper Team #2 did not take a shot at Crooks before the shooting started.

Even more damning are questions about how and why Trump’s closest protection left him on the stage exposed even as police were swarming around AGR Building 6 with guns drawn and ordinary citizens were alarmed, yelling about a guy having a gun on the roof, and taking cover.  I’ll have more about all of that in the next episode.

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