Home The Coming ‘Great Reset’ 

The Coming ‘Great Reset’ 

The User's Profile Chris Martenson October 31, 2020
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Executive Summary

  • What is the ‘Great Reset’?
  • Understanding how psychopaths rule
  • Modelling the potential outcomes
  • What you need to be doing RIGHT NOW to protect your wealth and freedoms

If you have not yet read Part 1: We Are Pawns In A Bigger Game Than We Realize, available free to all readers, please click here to read it first.

Intro:  Because there’s so much that simply does not make any sense on the surface, we have to go deeper.  This is all pure speculation.  The only thing I am sure of is this hypothesis I am undertaking here is not 100% correct.  I have no idea how correct it is, but it’s a lot of data points that can’t quite gel into a crisp image.  It’s all slightly out of focus still. Despite that, we have to live our lives and make decisions.  So here goes.

However improbable we must conclude; they are lying about Covid.

The ‘they’ in this story includes the media, most of the medical establishment, and especially the main health ‘managers’ on the world stage.

They are lying about treatments and they are lying about the reasons for needing the new lockdowns.  Clearly it didn’t have to be this way.  But it is and it was, so that means it was selected to be this way.

China has practically no infections to speak of.  Neither does Taiwan. Ditto for New Zealand.  Strangely enough, apparently Africa is in pretty good shape too.

We’re left with trying to make sense of the narrative that the so-called richest and most powerful countries are effectively powerless against this rather pedestrian virus, at least compared to the Spanish Flu of 1918 or SARS of 2003.

I mean, just look at this wall of terrible sounding news from the US this morning (10/30/20):

How can this be?  How can things have become so bad again?

Clearly the media is selecting an angle of fear.  Instead of using their reach to inform people of how they can properly ‘prepare their terrain’ to limit the spread and impact of Covid, they are telling a story of fear, more government control, of the need to close businesses, shutter in loved ones, and generally work to keep people very, very worried and off balance.

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Top Comment

That is overly mild. Re-read Chris’ last few paragraphs. Sitting back and musing on “interesting times” will seem to you to have been collossal denial...
Anonymous Author by breck-breckenridge
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