Home Strategic Relocation

Strategic Relocation

The User's Profile Adam Taggart January 17, 2020
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One of the most frequent questions we get from people working to become more resilient is: Is there a better place I should move to?

Answering this question isn’t simple.

First you need to to determine what selection criteria are important to your decision-making and prioritize them according to your specific personal requirements and goals. Then you need a region-by-region evaluation that enables you to identify potential “good fit” options.

This process can be overwhelming for most folks starting from scratch. Which is why turning to a time-tested guide to this process can be a tremendously valuable resource.

There aren’t that many out there. The best one we know of that’s still in print is Strategic Relocation by Joel Skousen.

This 350-page encyclopedic work specifies the key metrics to focus on in the relocation process and evaluates and scores the major regions of North America on each.

It’s a great resource encapsulating a massive amount of research and analysis, which is why we’re so pleased to announce that its author, Joel Skousen, has confirmed he’ll be a featured speaker at the Peak Prosperity annual seminar on May 1-3, 2020 in Sebastopol, CA.

As many of you know, my fellow Peak Prosperity co-founder, Chris Martenson, has just acquired a new retreat property. At the upcoming seminar, he and Joel will lead a highly-interactive discussion about the search process, what to look for at the regional/community/property level, and take copious Q&A from the audience.

Joel joins our strongest faculty line-up ever, which now includes, Bruce Buena de Mesquita (The Rules For Rulers), Peter Boghossian (How To Have Impossible Conversations), Mike Maloney, Charles Hugh Smith, Wolf Richter, Axel Merk, John Rubino, Richard Heinberg, Jeff Clark, the farmers from Singing Frogs Farm, the financial experts from New Harbor Financial and Joe Stumpf.

The programming for this year’s seminar just gets better and better with each passing week. It’s easily going to be our best ever.

And we still have a few more names to announce in the coming days…

So if you’re planning to come, register soon in order to lock in the Early Bird price discount. It’s a 38% savings(!) off of the general admission price, and it expires soon.

Chris and I can’t wait to see you there in May.

But first, lock in your seat! The Early Bird price discount expires in just 2 weeks!!