Home Off the Cuff: The Age of Delusion
Off the Cuff

Off the Cuff: The Age of Delusion

The User's Profile Adam Taggart May 9, 2013
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In this week's Off the Cuff podcast, Chris and Mish discuss:

  • Fuzzy Fed Math
    • Housing-cost methodology understates true inflation
  • China's Gold Hunger
    • Vacuuming up 50% of total world production
  • Market Madness
    • Any news good, bad, or worse drives stock prices higher

Hooray! The Dow (over 15,000) and the S&P (well over 1,600) are at record highs.

As the Fed cheers its success in creating a triple-whammy in asset bubbles (stocks, bonds & housing), it's also patting itself on the back for doing so while keeping inflation securely squelched. The latest CPI stats from the BLS peg the inflation rate at a paltry 1.47%

Not so fast, cautions Mish, who did a little corrective math to the dubious way the BLS calculates housing price inflation, which is the largest single driver of the CPI. Using his methodology, a more rational accounting of housing prices pushes CPI up to 3.33% well over the Fed's own targeted threshold of 2.5%, at which it has said it will stop quantitative easing (otherwise known as QE, or money-printing).

It's clear to Chris and Mish as well as anyone with two eyes that the Fed has no Plan B for exiting its popular QE program. The markets are high on liquidity, and will go into instant withdrawal convulsions the millisecond the QE spigot starts lessening.

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Top Comment

As usual, a really interesting "Off the cuff", thanks. I'm not a economist (thank goodness) but I do think, though, that its worth thinking more about...
Anonymous Author by cmartenson
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