Home New Martenson Report on Personal Preparation
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New Martenson Report on Personal Preparation

The User's Profile Chris Martenson October 28, 2009
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A new Martenson Report is ready for enrolled members.

LinkPersonal Preparation – Where to Begin

I am continuing with my thoughts and advice on preparation for a very different future.  This time we focus on personal preparation.  In this report I discuss many of the changes and actions that we have personally undertaken in my household.

A snippet:

In a recent report entitled It’s Time to Prepare, I walked through the financial preparations that one might take to add greater resilience to one’s holdings and where they are located. 

But there is more to preparation that just financial savvy. I have been asked repeatedly to provide some guidance on personal preparation. In this report, I will begin the process of sharing my thoughts and experiences about this subject.

There are some basic things that would like to see every person considering for themselves and their family in order to minimize the impact of future disruptions. While I cannot be sure of when, or even if, these disruptions will happen, I am certain of two things:  you can prepare for these changes relatively cheaply, and you will feel better for having done so.

Click the above link to read this report.  Please note that the full report is available only to enrolled members.  To enroll, please click here.

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