Okay, so here’s the general sweep of things. There’s been a very dark deep state running things pretty much ever since they shot JFK and covered it up. It’s been a long, dark series of raccoons running things ever since. Skip forward 60 years, and we Americans find ourselves, as a people, nearly completely subjugated to a rapacious system that bleeds us dry.
Canadians, Europeans, and Australians are in exactly the same boat so when I say “Americans” I could be speaking about any of the so-called Western nations. I use the word “Amercians” here because we have a Trump revolution promising to shake things up in America. But, that’s going to ripple to other countries in a hurry so feel free to include yourself mentally if you are not American, but happen to live in a Western nation.
The people running the schemes and scams are not good people. They kill, they harm, and they abuse without any compunction or second thoughts.
Now they are being exposed by Trump’s Blitzkrieg attack on multiple fronts so the question becomes, “What are they going to do in response?”
While we can hope that they become so disoriented (and jailed?) that they cannot really do anything terrible, they have a long, unbroken track record of getting away with terrible things. So, they’re going to be thinking they can get away with whatever else they might happen to have planned.