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Join Chris & Evie In Their Home!

The User's Profile Chris Martenson December 18, 2020
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Many Peak Prosperity readers have expressed a keen interest in the lessons learned through my & Evie’s journey this year as we’ve worked hard to convert our new property into a functioning family farm.  A few have even driven to our property to work, laugh and hang out with us.

We thought it was high time to open up this conversation to all of our premium subscribers.

So we just held a live webinar where we shared the lessons learned (both the good and the bad) over our journey so far.

Here’s the replay video of the event:


Webinar Chat Archive

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Top Comment

Chris said: “Regina - what an amazing story from your childhood! Thank you for sharing. I, for one, am keen to hear more.”
Thank you,...
Anonymous Author by reginaf
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