Home Germany Hides the Data, Cancer Deaths Mount, and the Social Gap Grows
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Germany Hides the Data, Cancer Deaths Mount, and the Social Gap Grows

Chris Martenson explores financial market manipulation, rising gold and silver prices, COVID-19 vaccine concerns, and societal divides. He highlights transparency issues in Germany and the influence of cult-like beliefs.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson October 22, 2024
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Executive Summary

Chris Martenson discusses various topics, including market trends, the COVID-19 vaccine controversy, and societal divisions. He highlights the manipulation of financial markets, the shutdown of adverse event databases in Germany, and the rise of “turbo cancer” cases. Chris also touches on the growing social divide and the challenges of bridging differing perceptions of reality.

Market Manipulation

Chris explains how financial markets are being manipulated, particularly in the lead-up to elections. He notes that gold and silver prices have been rising, with silver reaching a decade high. Despite expectations of a market correction, interventions continue to prop up the markets.

COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns

Chris discusses the issues surrounding COVID-19 vaccines, particularly the presence of DNA in mRNA vaccines and the potential for adverse effects. He highlights the shutdown of adverse event databases in Germany and the rise of “turbo cancer” cases, where individuals rapidly develop and succumb to cancer.

Social Divide

Chris observes a growing divide in societal perceptions, particularly regarding the economy and political figures. He notes the difficulty in bridging these gaps and the persistence of belief systems that resist new information.

Key Data

  • One in six Germans reportedly experienced COVID vaccine side effects.
  • Silver has reached a decade high, dating back to 2013.
  • Cases of “turbo cancer” are increasing, with rapid progression from diagnosis to death.

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Top Comment

Thanks, Chris. Re the theme of menticide, cognitive dissonance, and the reality war, the terrified, masked readers of the NYT still exist – not in...
Anonymous Author by trumanv
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