Home Selling China’s New Global Security Initiative
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Selling China’s New Global Security Initiative

The User's Profile Max Morton July 8, 2022
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Back in April, China’s President Xi Jinping gave a speech before the Boao Forum in Singapore. In Xi’s keynote address, he proposed a new “global security initiative” that, in his words, would reject the Cold War mentality and focus on “common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable” security. Xi’s new global initiative would be a “world encompassing” security mechanism. Unfortunately, Xi was short on details about this new Initiative.

After the speech, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin again provided sparse details. Wang outlined how Xi’s initiative is a broad framework of ideas that cover nearly all concerns in the Asia-Pacific. One Asian diplomat stated that Xi’s speech was “typical China,” in that they always come out with an excessively large framework that no one could reasonably object to. The idea is that even if countries don’t agree with everything, at least they can’t fully oppose it. Then, bit by bit, the framework gets peeled away to reveal the primary objective – diminishing U.S. power and increasing Chinese power across the globe.

In May, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi elaborated on Xi’s new security initiative with four major points that he said comprised China’s new official Global Security Initiative (GSI). China would commit to the following:

  1. Security. Maintain peace and stability, uphold the U.N. charter. Abandon America’s Cold War mentality. Oppose Western unilateralism. Reject foreign military alliances in the Asia-Pacific. Pursue a vision of common cooperative and sustainable security and pay attention to the legitimate security concerns of all countries.

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