Home Dr. Ken Berry: Getting Healthy is Easier Than You Think
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Dr. Ken Berry: Getting Healthy is Easier Than You Think

Good health is your birthright. It should be your baseline. Sickness should be a temporary departure from health. But most foods have been specifically designed to make people unhealthy. Getting back to excellent health begins, and often ends, with eating right.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson August 30, 2024
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Dr. Ken Berry is a huge name in the world of health.  His own personal journey includes going from being an overweight doctor to a fit powerhouse.  How did he do it?  Diet, mainly.

As we’re all learning with increasing alarm and disgust, the Standard American Diet is as addictive as it’s harmful.  Rather than being ‘standard,’ we should instead view all the middle aisles of the grocery store as poisonous and toxic.

Foods have been engineered on the front end to achieve the ‘bliss point’ by combining salt, sugar and fat in such a way as to hijack our evolutionary wiring to consume more than we need. In the middle, the twin industries of pharma and sickcare make bundles of money off of sick and disable people.  At the end, the funeral industry cleans up the last part of the story.

Nowhere can we find the FDA or CDC actually doing their jobs.  Instead they typically allow the food industry to churn out deeply unhealthy “foods.”

The good news is that all of this is easily avoided.  Simply shop the edges of the grocery store, and limit carbs, especially highly processed carbs and straight up sugar.

As Dr. Berry advises, everyone needs to figure out what their maximum daily carb allowance is and then stick to it.  For some that’s no more than 100 grams per day.  For others, such as myself that limit is 30g.  Dr. Berry does best with 0g.

The fight is on.  The US sickcare system is predatory.  It prefers everyone to be sick and in need of their various symptom-masking remedies.  And that begins with foods that put people into metabolic distress.

Yes, it’s that bad.

But millions have figured this out and extricating oneself from the trap is as simple as changing ones eating habits.

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