Home Crooks’ Unbelievable Path to the Roof

Crooks’ Unbelievable Path to the Roof

Unless he had some help, it’s virtually impossible that Crooks managed to skulk about on a roof, with a rifle for so long without being stopped or challenged. And, how did the Secret Service miss placing one of their two sniper teams on the very best possible spot that would have stopped anyone from being where Crooks was shot dead?

The User's Profile Chris Martenson July 19, 2024
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As we await further insights and analysis into the audio and bullet tracing evidence, it’s time to explore the colossal “errors” and oversights we are led to believe “just happened” on the very day that a loner 20-year-old kid waltzed up onto a sniper’s paradise only 140 yards from President Trump, and lolled about for 20 minutes before shooting.

It’s simply unbelievable.

Worse, when you see the layout of the American Glass buildings you’ll notice that there’s a glaringly obvious spot to set up a sniper team.

Clearly, the official story is full of holes and doesn’t make any sense at all.  The amount of incompetence and “lucky for Crooks” events you have to accept pass well beyond any threshold of credibility.  IT’s just too much to swallow.

Which is exactly how ‘they’ have rolled over us for decades.  They are counting on people to be lazy and dumb…but instead, people are now feisty and tired of rolling over.

I guess it’s too bad for them that it isn’t 1963 anymore.  Dozens of analyzable recordings exist allowing us to piece this all together in near real time.

Also, I am announcing the formation of the Citizens’ Investigation of this event, where we will tap the collective wisdom and skills of those who wish to participate.  We’ll need audio, ballistics, weapons,  security, 3D reconstruction, math/geometry, and crime scene expertise.  And we’re going to need contrarians and gadflies and people who can effectively red-team all of our findings and conclusions.

If we’re successful, perhaps we can finally make a dent in the deep state’s ability to simply cover up its misdeeds and crimes.

We’ve already received incredible offers of help with 3D modeling the site, audio analysis, and raw video footage from professional media cameras at the event.

We deserve a better world and that begins with accountability.

So let’s dig in and get this done!


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