Home Crash Course 2.0: Chapter 1 – Setting The Table
Crash Course 2.0

Crash Course 2.0: Chapter 1 – Setting The Table

Chapter 1 Part 1

The User's Profile Chris Martenson May 9, 2023
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The Crash Course remains a solid work of framing.  One of the best of my life (so far). Because so few people have taken it lately, beginning with today’s ‘Chapter” I am redoing the entire Crash Course, piece by piece, as my weekly public videos from now until it’s done. I think everybody should see…

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The Crash Course remains a solid work of framing.  One of the best of my life (so far).

Because so few people have taken it lately, beginning with today’s ‘Chapter” I am redoing the entire Crash Course, piece by piece, as my weekly public videos from now until it’s done.

I think everybody should see it, and that’s my only request.

Agree with me, disagree with me, take it to heart, or decide to ignore it, I truly believe everybody deserves a chance to accept or reject the premise.


Because I know that there’s an extraordinary wealth transfer coming.  Many more people are going to lose (a lot & possibly everything) between now and ~2030 than win.

When the operative question left to be resolved is “Who’s going to eat the losses?” then it’s vital that you are not doing whatever the herd is doing.  By definition, when an entity is insolvent, everybody cannot be paid back. Historically speaking, those ‘haircuts’ are not shared equitably.

We’re way past our budgetary and income limits with respect to energy, pollution, species loss, and debt.  There’s no possible way to “grow our way out of this.”  Doubling down is no longer an option.

Again, agree with me or disagree with me, the conversation needs to be had either way.

“I might be wrong, but I’m not confused.”

~ Chris Martenson stealing a line from his old boss (hat-tip DAH)

So that’s the public content for a while.  The private, members-only, content will then build off of whatever the current Crash Course chapter is dealing with to bring it to life and offer, as much as possible, real solutions.

These chapters are designed to be shared widely, so if you know someone on the fence, or who is beginning to wonder about “something being wrong…” please consider sharing these videos.

So without further ado, let’s begin the journey with Chapter 1Setting The Table


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Crash Course 2.0
Chapter 1 Part 1

Looking for part 2?

The Crash Course remains a solid work of framing.  One of the best of my life (so far). Because so few people have taken it lately, beginning with today’s ‘Chapter” I am redoing the entire Crash Course, piece by piece, as my weekly public videos from now until it’s done. I think everybody should see…

View Part 2