Disappearing News

George Orwell’s book 1984 described physical holes down which uncomfortable or unwanted news literally disappeared to be consumed in gigantic furnaces. They were called “memory holes.”
Today their equivalent are detected in the form of events that somehow either disappear from the news quickly, or simply don’t make the news at all.
In this episode, I summarize several of the more prominent recent examples, but by no means is the list comprehensive. That would occupy an entire week of video.
The reasons I do this is so we can (1) track where we are in the larger narrative of rapid change, and (2) help people release the old so they can begin to build the new.
The ever-quickening pace of memory-hole items tells us that we are much closer to the end of the story than the beginning. The more things have to be suppressed, the more the pressure builds that will someday become too much to contain.
It’s time too, to admit that the current systems cannot be reformed, principally because, in most cases, the keepers of the system (journalists, doctors, bureaucrats, etc.) aren’t even aware that they are protecting and enabling an abusive enterprise. Said differently, nobody has to tell any of these “keepers” what to say or not to say, or which events to suppress or advance. They already know. It’s a social construct and part of the social contract they implicitly follow without question.
In other words, reforms are impossible because the culture of those institutions and professional organizations are both broken beyond repair and geared toward protecting themselves from scrutiny and change.