Very promising developments on the covid-19 treatment and vaccine fronts.
First, PittCoVacc, a vaccine candidate out of the University of Pittsburg, follows previously existing approaches, very similar to the way the flu vaccine works. Initial tests on mice have proven successful in producing copious antibodies against covid-19. The vaccine delivery system is both painless and highly scalable.
So whether or not PittCoVacc is the “silver bullet” here, it’s existence shows that the energies and innovation of our research companies is yielding good options — a process that should only accelerate from here.
And now that we have more data, it really does appear that the hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin cocktail combo reduces the severity and duration of covid-19 infection — provided it’s delivered early on enough.
These encouraging developments, plus an exploding set of citizen-entreprenuers creating their own DIY solutions (especially with masks) give us the first real sense that we are beginning to make solid progress against the coronavirus:
We’ll need to hold tight to this good news, as the next few weeks will be quite traumatizing with the anticipated huge increases in the # of infected, as well as deaths.
But we will get through this.
And it’s heartening to see promising developments like PittCoVac and hydroxychloroquine begin to put points on the board for our side.
In today’s video, Chris mentions our primer for those inspired to create their own DIY gardens. It can be viewed here.