Home Chris on Financial Sense: Preparing for Peak Oil
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Chris on Financial Sense: Preparing for Peak Oil

The User's Profile Adam Taggart November 2, 2010
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Chris’ latest interview on Financial Sense is now available. It’s a 23-minute podcast that can be listened to by clicking here or on the image below:

Chris and host Jim Puplava discuss the ramifications of Peak Oil on society – basically, essential systems we depend on will start malfunctioning – then dive deeper into specific steps individuals can take in preparation.

Three of Chris’ key messages are prominent throughout the interview:

  1. When things begin to unravel, they will do so faster than people expect.
  2. Our governments have no Plan B for dealing with the arrival of Peak Oil.
  3. There are constructive, relatively low-cost steps that concerned individuals can take to position themselves intelligently for the impact of Peak Oil. And undertaking them now is vastly preferable than waiting until the crisis arrives.

For those just considering taking preparatory action, this interview should provide inducement to begin today. For those already underway, it should offer validation of the wisdom behind your efforts.

Thanks to Jim for another intelligent, rational discussion of this important topic, and for making Chris a regular guest on his respected Financial Sense Newshour program