Home Beyond Incompetence; The Shooters and the Water Tower

Beyond Incompetence; The Shooters and the Water Tower

The Secret Service has been compromised. Again. As with JFK’s last car die, mysterious “security lapses” stack up to indicate that the Secret Service allowed an assassination attempt top take place against Trump. The data supports this as the most likely conclusion.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson July 16, 2024
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Until somebody can conclusively prove that the Trump assassination attempt was the work of a solo gunman coupled to extreme incompetence, we’re going to have to go with the much more likely possibility; he had inside help.

Which means officials of the US government conspired to allow the assassination of a former President and current leading Presidential candidate to happen.

As with 9/11, there’s a mountain of data to sift through and records to be kept.  If “the narrative” gets back under the control of The Blob, then all these resources will be lost to time, thanks to the vigilant public-private partnership efforts of Google, Facebook, and other threats to the country working in concert with the many repugnant organs of the state.

So I’ve spent 12-14 hours a day since the shooting to capture it all and then make sense of it.

The punchlines are these:

  1. Mere incompetence cannot explain how the shooter got into position by strolling across a police-controlled parking lot and then up an unguarded ladder to the roof
  2. Neither can it explain how he remained in position, unmolested, for 26 minutes even after pointing a rifle at a cop.
  3. Nor can incompetence explain why the water tower was (allegedly) left unmanned. Or why multiple eyewitness accounts claim fire was coming from the tower.
  4. Or why one of the sniper teams were positioned such that their view of the shooter’s roof, previously identified as a high-priority concern, was partially occluded by a tree including, especially, his exact location.

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Good podcasts by multiple former SF/snipers on yt today looking at the events second by second, also an interview by Patrick Bet David from founder...
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