Home Australia’s SPOTLIGHT Program Opens The Floodgates On Vaccine Injury

Australia’s SPOTLIGHT Program Opens The Floodgates On Vaccine Injury

When audiences openly mock, laugh at and scoff at the well-oiled lies of “experts” who are openly promoting the Covid vaccines (still! in 2024!) as completely safe and &effective…well, that’s when things can rather suddenly change.

The User's Profile Chris Martenson July 1, 2024
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Common knowledge is when everyone knows that everyone knows something.  With a recent TV spot in Australia, we saw a clear-cut case of Common Knowledge in play as the assembled audience laughed and mocked and challenged the so-called experts who were clingingly valiantly, if not immorally, to the Safe & Effective mantra.  A few months ago, that would have been a nearly silent audience with everybody thinking they were the only one with that knowledge.  Now it’s out in the open.  Kudos to Spolight for this episode!

Naturally, such “experts” deserve to be mocked and derided for being vaccine cheerleaders early on, and head-in-the-sand idiots later on.

They should be shunned and excluded from polite society and many of them ought to face trials and owe compensation to injured people.  If ignorance of the law is no defense for you or I, then wielding profound ignorance in an official capacity should carry some sort of additional legal and civil burdens.

Dr Robert Booy, of Australia, also failed to disclose to the audience that he’s been taking tens of thousands of dollars per year from pharma companies which represents a massive conflict of interest.  Naturally, anything and everything he says about any pharma products is immediately suspect and probably should either be completely ignored, or interpreted oppositely.

If he says “safe” you should think “harmful.”  (More…)

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Another common knowledge temporal marker:
Incredible. A Federal Jury has determined that Blue Cross BlueShield of Tennessee must pay $700,000 to an employee that was fired...
Anonymous Author by davefairtex
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