This episode comes to us courtesy of the mouse army of researchers over on Twitter headed up by the inestimable Jikky The Mouse. This is really extraordinary material that reveals some ridiculously inept or darkly evil people staffing the health agencies, particularly for you Australians out there. You’re going to want to pay close attention to this, particularly Part 2 where I name names.
The short version is that Australia’s version of the FDA, the TGA, had information in 2021 that (1) some Pfizer Covid vaccine batches had contamination issues that (2) correlated highly with batches with excessive death and adverse event signals and (3) did absolutely nothing with the information in terms of warning the public or providers and (4) then went ahead and actually extended the shelf life of at least half of the known bad batches, presumably to assure they were used up or something? It’s quite mysterious and troubling.
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