Home A Primer On Investing For Inflation-Adjusting Income

A Primer On Investing For Inflation-Adjusting Income

The User's Profile Adam Taggart February 1, 2019
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Executive Summary

  • Understanding the benefits and risks of the notable options for passive income:
    • Cash & Cash Equivalents
    • Bonds/Loans
    • Dividend-Yielding Stocks
    • Real Estate
    • Business Ownership Through Private Equity/Private Placements/Local Investing
    • Royalites
    • Annuities

If you have not yet read Part 1: The Primacy Of Income, available free to all readers, please click here to read it first.

In Part 1, we laid out the rationale for why investing for income is becoming more important than ever as the Era Of Gains draws to an end.

Those who put in place a diversified portfolio of relatively low-risk passive income streams, inflation-adjusting and tax-advantaged wherever possible, should be much more financially resilient than the general masses after today’s Everything Bubble ruptures.

The good news is that there’s a variety of options worth considering when constructing such a portfolio of income streams. Here in this primer, we identify many of the most noteworthy along with their general benefits and risks.

The challenge, of course, comes in the application of this information. Which options are best for you, given your specific situation, needs, goals, and risk appetite?

As always, let me make a few things absolutely clear. The information presented below is NOT personal financial advice and is provided for educational purposes only.

And as always, we recommend working with a professional financial adviser to build an investment plan customized to your own needs and objectives. (If you do not have a financial adviser or do not feel comfortable with your current adviser’s expertise in the market risks we discuss here at, consider scheduling a free consultation with our endorsed adviser)

Suffice it to say, any investment ideas sparked by this report should be reviewed with your financial adviser before taking any action. Am I being excessively repetitive here in order to drive this point home? Good…

With the above said, the primer below should give you plenty of food for thought for how you may wish to design your own income-generating portfolio. Explore the options of greatest interest to you, and feel free to let us know in the Comments section below which ones you would like to see explored in further depth on in the future (dedicated articles and/or podcasts and webinars with experts).

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yagasjai –
Roger that.
Many thanks for letting us know what you’re specifially interested in learning more about. We do listen very hard to what our readers...
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